Carnival Concert Hall (Anchikov Palace) - Saint Petersburg

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Carnival Concert Hall (Anchikov Palace) – Saint Petersburg

As we mentioned before, the Anchikov Palace complex is one of the many famous buildings in Nevsky Prospekt. Nevsky Avenue is the most important street in St. Petersburg which locates at the heart of the city. This street is loaded with major financial buildings, religious sites, international and local malls, shop centers, banks, and recreational centers. The Anchikov palace is exactly at the center of this street near the Anchikov bridge on the Fontaka river. The Anchikov palace’s name came from that same bridge which built by one of the greatest generals of the Russian military during the reign of Peter the Great, who built the bridge on Fontaka river.


Carnival Concert Hall (Anchikov Palace) – Saint Petersburg

The Construction of the palace complex began in 1741 by the commands of Empress Elizabeth I and ended in 1751. The palace complex owned by various noble and imperial family members during its existence. Before the imperial family decided to buy this palace from the previous owner’s heirs, the palace was owned by the closest favorites of Empress Elizabeth I and Empress Catherine the Great, who were Count Razumovsky and Duke Potiomkin. These two previous owners of the palace complex got in range of Empresses anger after a while and exiled from Russia. The palace later bought by the imperial family from Duke Potemkin's descendants and given to Alexander III after the imperial court moved another place at the middle of the 19th century. Several members of the imperial family lived in this palace until the October Revolution such as Duchess Pavlovna, Nicholas I, Alexander II, Alexander III, and the last emperor of the Russia, Nicholas II.

Following the October Revolution, the Anchikov palace turned to Leningrad city history museum for seventeen years. The palace went under reconstruction by Krichevsky and Gegello in 1936, and from 1938 it housed the palace of young pioneers.


Carnival Concert Hall (Anchikov Palace) – Saint Petersburg

Unlike other structures in the Anchikov Palace complex which built in the middle of the 18th century, there’s one building in the complex that built at the end of the Soviet Union era. While St. Petersburg was at another historical turning point in 1986, more than twenty enterprises joined forces to build a multi-functional cultural center in the Anchikov palace complex.

This multi-functional Carnival Concert Hall locates at the courtyard of the Anchikov Palace complex. This hall which equipped with the latest features and technology in the world dragged the title of one of the best halls in the Saint Petersburg city behind its name. The beautiful and historical outdoor, updated technologies that used to build this building, and the engineering behind the interior design made the Carnival Hall one of the best multi-functional halls in St. Petersburg.

The comfortable seat, a beautiful view from the hall’s lobby, modern equipped stage, and the easily accessible location on the Nevsky Avenue, made The Carnival Concert Hall one of the favorite halls for people of St Petersburg and tourists. The Carnival Hall is a proper choice for all kinds of performances such as classical and jazz concerts, pop music, operas, and ballet shows.


Carnival Concert Hall (Anchikov Palace) – Saint Petersburg

Though a good ballet show single-handedly can make anyone who loves art and musical performances night, a comfortable seat, top features, and easy access location would surely help the condition. The Carnival Hall inside the Anchikov Palace complex scores a high grade amongst other halls in the Saint Petersburg city with its features and options. For example, one of the most important options in this hall is the casual dress-code which made it quite popular among foreign tourists, who don’t want to bring formal clothes with them on a vacation. Some halls especially opera and ballet halls have a dress-code policy which means whoever want to attend the show must have formal clothes on, but the Carnival hall despite the high-rank and top performances that take place there, doesn’t have any dress-code policy. The casual dressing made it even more suitable for tourists who want to tour around Nevsky Avenue and then attend the show.

If you have plans to visit Saint Petersburg we recommend you to set a time for at least one ballet show aside in your Russia tour since there are lots of top ballet performances in the world that are originally from Russia such as Swan Lake and the Nutcracker, which are composed by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, one of the excellent Russian composers of all time. We also recommend you to choose the Carnival Concert Hall for your ballet show experience during the tour to St. Petersburg because this hall is one of the best halls in the city.